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  • Writer's pictureCasandra Bailey

March Cancer Awareness Month

Become aware of Colorectal or Colon cancer, Kidney cancer, and Multiple Myeloma for the month of March

Cancer does not discriminate. It forms in different parts of the body. Any organ can be affected at any given time. Colon, kidney and multiple myeloma are three different types of cancers that overall has a negative effect on the body.

What in the colon, kidney, and plasma cell is going on here?

You wake up like any other day, but then something is different. There is pain in your body that was not there before. This is something new!

Your body will give you signs. It tells you when something is wrong. Pay attention to those signs and you can decrease the chance of cancer forming or maybe even eliminate it completely. Of course there are those cancers that are brutal and will not show you until it is too late. You can still get routine check ups to stay in the fight and catch it before it catches you.

The cells that want to be abnormal or mutated

The end of the digestive process. Colorectal or colon cancer forms in the colon (large intestine) or the rectum. The rectum is located at the end of the colon. Abnormal cells are in the inner lining of the colon or rectum.

The kidneys have a workout. They maintain, remove, control, and produce. Maintain fluid balance, remove waste products, controls blood pressure, and produce hormones. Kidney cells mutate or change, forming tumors.

Multiple myeloma forms in white blood cells called plasma cell. The plasma cell is weakened so that it cannot fight infections by making antibodies to recognize and attack germs. These plasma cells become abnormal and accumulate in the bone marrow.

1, 2, 3, remain cancer free

Cancer is not an easy thing. Abnormal cells forming in the body is not simple. It is a process, either way.

How do you continue on when your body starts to break down and wants to kill you? Ask yourself a few questions. Do you want to live? How do you contribute to the process? How can you work with yourself instead of against yourself?

Consume what your body needs. The foods and drinks you consume become you. Your internal breaks through. Treat your body as though you want it to live! Start today please.

Cancer is a sneaky thing! It can hide and wait in you undetected for 5, 10, or 20 years before it decides to peek-a-boo you. Going from being cancer free to stage 4 cancer will break you down to where you believe you are already dead when you still have breath in you. Cancer will poke at your mind, taunting you, like you have no other choice but to accept defeat.

Get in the know

Cancer does not choose age, race, or religious belief. It loves the diverse world that we live in! Cancer says, "The more bodies, the better." Get in the know when it comes to your body. Do not let cancer win. As innocent as they are, even babies and children are dying because cancer does not care. Get in the know and learn about how to prevent cancer.

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